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Snapchat Lens
Bulgari Serpenti 75
Location based AR
Try nowTo celebrate the 75th anniversary of Bulgari’s beloved Serpenti design, Beyond worked closely together with Bulgari and Snapchat to bring the iconic golden scales to Snapchatters’ faces worldwide and enhance its NYC pop-up experience with a Landmarker AR Lens. The selfie Lens reimagines the Serpenti golden scales into face jewelry that moves and changes color on the Snapchatter’s face, symbolizing the fluid and metamorphosing quality of the Serpenti collection. When the camera is flipped to world view, the Snapchatters’ environment is transformed into golden scales, bringing the iconic texture to life wherever the Snapchatter is. Bulgari has also opened an exhibit and pop-up at 70 Gansevoort St. in NYC’s Meatpacking District, which will run through Sunday, July 16th featuring work by Turkish-American artist and director Refik Anadol, along with Serpenti jewels and heritage pieces. Snapchatters in NYC can visit the Meatpacking pop-up space and point the AR Landmarker Lens at it, which will transform the building with Bulgari’s golden scales and Bulgari’s Serpenti 75 logo.